As for "Into The Woods" the show went really well and the kids really pulled it together in the end. Above is the adorable cast photo from that evening and I think the costumes and makeup really brought out the true characters in the children's personalities.
Next up -- "High School Musical" we are down to the wire with this one and it opens this weekend on Sunday night for the camp to see! On this one, I have taken more of a consultant and choreographer, rather than "head-honcho" director. :) It is has been an interesting summer full of different experiences, especially since I have not been with a bunk this summer.
I cannot believe that after this week, the over night trips go out, then it is Color War, and then I am heading out to the Hamptons for my two week contract! Summer is flying by! And before I know it, I will be back in Alabama for my visit and then headed home to Seattle to be thrust back into the REAL WORLD! Ahh!
Keep the letters and love coming! My address in case you have forgotten is:
240 Timber Lake Road
Shandaken, NY 12480
Live and love,