Live and Love,
So as many of you may have noticed, I have taken a brief hiatus from the Theatre Community and for good reason! I am becoming a MOMMA! We found out we were expecting a new addition in August of 2016 and immediately our friends and family were so excited about this upcoming arrival of a adorable bundle of joy! After the obligatory "ANNOUNCEMENT" photo, complete with baby sized pumpkins, the word was out. The Wedded Weavers were growing by one! But what would it be? Would Baby Weaver be a BOY or a Girl? We planned a fun Gender Reveal Party of "Touchdowns or Tutus" and all our closest friends and family joined us for the big surprise. The only two people, besides our doctors, to know before we cut into the cake, was Steven and his Dad! Talk about keeping a secret! Baby Weaver is a BOY and the party was an absolute TOUCHDOWN! We are getting so excited to meet our little one, and we only have about 5 weeks left! Safe to say, the "nesting" instinct has started to kick in and we are preparing as best we can for this next roller coaster in our lives! Be sure and check back in as our adventure begins and as I continue my life journey into Motherhood and back to the stage as soon as I can! Hope Baby Joel enjoys the theatre as much as I do!
Live and Love, Reagan
To say it has been a while and an exciting time since I last updated would be a huge understatement. Not only am I enjoying being a Newlywed (for pictures scroll down!), but I recently closed a production of "Calendar Girls" at VST and I am collaborating on a production of Frozen: An Interpretation in Dance! It has been a whirlwind of excitement and hard work! (For tickets to Frozen, visit Next on my list is an agenda of auditions and callbacks for more productions around Birmingham! Missing Seattle and the PNW every day, but loving that I am still able to do the things I wish to do back in my hometown. All the Best and Live & Love, Reagan It has truly been a whirlwind of events since I last updated! I moved back down South to Sweet Home Alabama, I played a dream role in Moon Over Buffalo at VST, I married the man of my dreams at the most beautiful wedding, and I have helped to expand my family's business!
I have surely been busy! And the busy life continues! Now as a married working career woman, I am doing all I can to make the most of every day! I am now cast in another show at VST in Calendar Girls, premiering in November! I am so very excited to work with this talented cast and director! More updates to come as married life continues to keep me on my toes! Live and Love, Reagan And most of all I will miss all my babies! None more so than my bestie, Avery! She is celebrating her 2nd birthday on Wednesday and I know I am going to miss her dearly when I move back home on September 3rd. If you want to know more about the Weaver Wedding and all the festivities, check back for info on our wedding website. Also, you can check out more "BLING" photos below! Live and love, Reagan There is not really much to say, other than I am daily reminded of how blessed I am. Blessed to be where I am. Blessed to be doing what I love. Blessed to have the support of family and friends all over the world. And blessed to be having an impact on those around me.
I am staying busy with Murder Mysteries and small projects (Comedy for a Cause & Seattle Fringe Festival) and I love being able to enjoy the start of this wonderfully beautiful Seattle summer. My friend and colleague has a husband in the military who just deployed to Afganistan. She asked if I wanted to pen-pal with a soldier and send care packages. I latched on at once! Anything I can do to inspire, comfort, and impact is a great situation to me! Would love to tell more about my adventures, but really I am just taking life as it comes; living one day at a time, and remembering to cherish the little moments. Live and Love, Reagan ![]() "Doubt, he was talking about Doubt," and it seems as if the entire town WAS talking about DOUBT at Stone Soup Theatre! This was an amazing production and I feel so blessed to have worked with some of Seattle's top talent. This powerful script left so much to the actors to work and discover and I cannot wait until I have another opportunity to work on a project as meaty and well written and produced as this one. If you missed it, you truly missed out on something special. In such an intimate space we were able to raise the stakes even higher and audience members stated they felt they could cut the tension in the room with a knife! For more of what was said about the production, visit my "NEWS" page! But, now that DOUBT has closed, it is a somber and bittersweet moment to realize I won't be driving to the theatre this week for another performance. It is time to be on to other things! I am preparing for TPS Generals that are coming up in....ONE WEEK... and really looking forward to *hopefully* working with other great theatres in the area! I am also diving into some dance classes this month at Westlake Dance Center in Northgate to hopefully burn off some of this Winter cushion I have accumulated. Along with my March dance classes I will begin rehearsals for Sexual Healing, being performed through Freehold's INCUBATOR Series. It is an interesting one-act written and directed by my good friend, Sarah Harris. I will also be murdering heavily during March to boost my improv chops and make some extra cash along the way! I am so thankful to all my friends that supported me in this most recent production, and especially all the kind words from strangers after seeing the show. It is amazing what art can do, and I couldn't be happier to be sharing my gift with the patrons of Seattle theatre. It is truly an irreplaceable feeling. Live, Love, and Inspire. Reagan Well, it is safe to say that I need to write an update! I have been kept busy both day and night, with working with children, and rehearsing in the evenings for A Child's Christmas in Wales and The Long Christmas Dinner! We are heading into tech week this weekend and I am so ready to put this show on its feet and then head home for some holiday celebrations!
I hope everyone had an amazing Turkey Day, and for those Bama Fans and Auburn Barners, ENJOY the Iron Bowl!!! It was my second Thanksgiving being away from my family, but I have to say that Skype is one of the BEST inventions. I was able to chat with my entire extended family yesterday, as well as my loving Long Distance Boyfriend. They love and support me, and I was brought to tears seeing their joy in being able to talk with me. Everyone, Live and Love. Reagan ![]() After a long and tedious summer working in children's theatre in NY, it was great to get back to Alabama for a nice long visit! To the left is a picture from my "sendoff" lunch at La Fiesta in Hoover. (If you are ever in the area, they have WONDERFUL Mexican food; check it out!) It was an interesting and adventurous summer and I am now back and settled in Seattle, ready to dive into the fall and the opportunities headed my way. I have already performed again with my Murder Mystery Troupe with our newest theme, "Noir She Didn't", a 1920s gangster mystery that will have all audiences belly laughing for the duration of the night. Then starting in October we move into our Wild West theme, "Wanted Dead or Alive." Check out our link on my "Friends" tab! I have also started Stage Managing my Christmas show for Stone Soup opening in December. We had our first production meeting this week and it was great to be back in the organizational role of Stage Manager. I have missed it! I am also excited to announce (albeit not theatre related...) that I am spoiling myself by taking a birthday celebration trip to San Diego to visit my very best friend in late October! The countdown has already begun! It will be a great break right before things get crazy with the Christmas show. And before you know it, it will be the holidays and I will be trekking back down south to Sweet Home Alabama to visit those most dear and near to my heart. They love and support me daily, and I am eternally grateful. Every day I have to remind myself that although things can feel chaotic and out of control, somewhere God has a plan for me and he is ultimately in control of everything. Live and love. Reagan ![]() Color War has broken and today marked the first full day of Marathon here at Timber Lake Camp! The tension and competition is heavy in the air and there is excitement at every turn. I was able to consult with both teams regarding creativity choices for their scenery in the Rec Hall, Dance music and styles, as well as their mural/plaque designs. I am very excited about the two team themes and I feel that these will be the best and most creative that TLC has seen in a while. I mean how can you go wrong with literary references as team names?!? I am a judge so this is my first time without a team and I have to remain impartial to the teams. Should be a fun weeK! :) Live and Love, Reagan ![]() That's right! We are halfway done with camp and we have been through a lot so far! Visiting Day came and went and with it camp bouts of stomach aches and "camp cold" but the kids and counselors are doing fine up here on Saddle Mountain. As for "Into The Woods" the show went really well and the kids really pulled it together in the end. Above is the adorable cast photo from that evening and I think the costumes and makeup really brought out the true characters in the children's personalities. Next up -- "High School Musical" we are down to the wire with this one and it opens this weekend on Sunday night for the camp to see! On this one, I have taken more of a consultant and choreographer, rather than "head-honcho" director. :) It is has been an interesting summer full of different experiences, especially since I have not been with a bunk this summer. I cannot believe that after this week, the over night trips go out, then it is Color War, and then I am heading out to the Hamptons for my two week contract! Summer is flying by! And before I know it, I will be back in Alabama for my visit and then headed home to Seattle to be thrust back into the REAL WORLD! Ahh! Keep the letters and love coming! My address in case you have forgotten is: 240 Timber Lake Road Shandaken, NY 12480 Live and love, Reagan |
Reagan DickeyActor. Dancer. Leader. Archives
February 2017
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