I have truly started to realize the impact of what I am doing and the fun and light I bring to these kids when they get up in front of parents and strangers and SUCCEED. It is a great feeling and I hope to continue to make the great impact I am making in these families fair experience and I continue to get the same satisfaction out of this job.
Don't get me wrong though, this is by far the hardest job I have ever had. It is as though we are the entire production team and actors, as well as sometimes being viewed as babysitters to the fair children (which we are not). But at the end of the day I am doing something I love to do and I am introducing theatre to these young kids. Even when children do not want to participate, I tend to reinforce the true ideal that a good audience member is JUST, if not MORE important. Without an audience....what is it?
I am blessed to be doing what I am doing.
I also miss my many great friends that are back up on Saddle Mountain for the last few days of orientation and the start of camp. It is going to be a great summer there, as usual, but it is so strange to think that I am not there. It will always be a part of my life and some of the BEST memories and friendships I have ever had. Every kid deserves a sleep-away camp experience even if it is only as a counselor. :)
Live and love,