I am his child, and he has me safely in his hands. While this is easily said, it is hard to put into action. All too often, I find myself trying to dwell in negativity about my personal life and what will or will not pan out. I cannot continue thinking this way. Up until a week or so ago, I was EXTREMELY happy in everything in my life, and then this "sickness" hit me and everything started to harbor doubt and stress in my mind and heart. And it will END. I command it to end.
My grandmother, Nana, who passed away last summer, used to always tell me that what you think and say will then be in the universe and come back to you. Therefore if you think negatively and say negative things, you are "cursing" yourself. That has been on my mind a lot lately as well. I do not wish to curse myself. I wish to help myself succeed and reach the heights I was destined to climb to.
Live and love,