It was an interesting and adventurous summer and I am now back and settled in Seattle, ready to dive into the fall and the opportunities headed my way. I have already performed again with my Murder Mystery Troupe with our newest theme, "Noir She Didn't", a 1920s gangster mystery that will have all audiences belly laughing for the duration of the night. Then starting in October we move into our Wild West theme, "Wanted Dead or Alive." Check out our link on my "Friends" tab!
I have also started Stage Managing my Christmas show for Stone Soup opening in December. We had our first production meeting this week and it was great to be back in the organizational role of Stage Manager. I have missed it!
I am also excited to announce (albeit not theatre related...) that I am spoiling myself by taking a birthday celebration trip to San Diego to visit my very best friend in late October! The countdown has already begun! It will be a great break right before things get crazy with the Christmas show.
And before you know it, it will be the holidays and I will be trekking back down south to Sweet Home Alabama to visit those most dear and near to my heart. They love and support me daily, and I am eternally grateful.
Every day I have to remind myself that although things can feel chaotic and out of control, somewhere God has a plan for me and he is ultimately in control of everything.
Live and love.