So here, in a nutshell is what I was planning for myself while in Tuscaloosa, AL in January 2011. The plus (+) means I have tackled or am tackling the task, and the minus (-) means it is not exactly as planned, or it is not yet tackled. Man, I already miss football... (ROLL TIDE)
--One Year:
- 23 years old (+) -- HAHA!
- Living and working in Seattle (+)
- Day job at Dance Studio (-)
- Bartending as second job at night (-)
- Regularly auditioning for theatre and films in Seattle (+)
- Also auditioning in LA and Vancouver (-)
--Five Years:
- 27 years old
- Planning a wedding or married -- (SCARY!)
- But NOT "settled down"
- Still performing and making connections across the country
- Making more than ends meet
- Steering more towards auditioning and acting rather than my day job for money
- Have an agent and auditioning regularly
Living, working, and auditioning in Seattle is all going well as I start to get the hang of juggling my new life.
Live and love.